June 1, 2012

This Week in Michelle

A lot of super-cool blogs do something like this, so I'm going to list what's been up for the week and become super-cool.

King Charles
His EP was constantly on repeat in my car, on my laptop, and my iPod. Now he as a new album! The best song is "The Brightest Lights" (I'm currently listening to it! So good! And, it features Mumford & Sons! Triple eep!) Check it out on Myspace (I can't believe that site still exists.)

Being Curious
I'm trying to figure things out with my life. Apparently I'm at that point where I should start doing that. No fun. So, I'm doing research, listing options, having tremendous daydreams, and trying to learn anything and everything.

FINALLY submitting my passport forms
It was a headache. Let's leave it at that.

and of course...
The Royal Family

Opening night went beautifully and I'm super excited to be apart of this show.

1 comment:

  1. Fun fact, you can find King Charles on Spotify. Worth. It.
