September 30, 2011

Chicken for Dinner or Reasons Why I'm Becoming Vegetarian

Hello my army of readers. Okay, I don't think it's that many, more like a small platoon. Oh, who am I kidding, I know nothing about warfare or the military.

Normally you would be reading my musings on a Saturday, but the events of last evening were just so...eventful that I just had to share.

It all started on September 28, 1991. My roommate was born on that date and from then on her life was propelling toward the dinner party that would take place on September 29, 2011. To celebrate birthdays with my roommates we each get to choose something we would like to do. Last year I dragged them all to a showing of Harry Potter 7 Part 1 because, well I don't need a reason, Harry Potter is awesome.

This is relevant because Meghan wanted to put on a birthday dinner complete with fancy chicken and side dishes. I was going to make a green bean casserole (or a "hot dish" for Minnesotans) but became swamped with homework that I was unable to help. Essentially I was a hermit in my room until the party was supposed to start. But as I went into the kitchen I noted an air of disarray and general confusion. Apparently this chicken is supposed to contain onions, lemons, and oranges stuffed up its butt. Well two things were wrong with this situation:
1. It seems that oranges were not purchased. Instead, there were grapefruit. Possibly blood oranges, but the consensus was grapefruit. Not the same.
2. No one gutted the chicken. The giblets were left all up in the rear of that poor pollo. Another roommate, Leah, said she came home to see three ladies staring up the butt of a chicken. Chicken juices everywhere. I'm really glad I was watching a movie for class.

Now at this point, I sensed general frustration. Roomie Katie (my third and final roommate) needed to make her cookie salad, puppy chow was being shaken in the living room, and all together there were too many cooks in the kitchen.

So we ordered pizza.

Now, I also mentioned that I am becoming a vegetarian. I've tried this many times before, but I think it just might stick this time. I don't really buy all that much meat as it is and being a modern-day hippie, most people already assume I am a vegetarian. Not that I'm conforming to peoples' expectations. Disease from meat really skeeves me out. Hard core. Plus, I need to start making healthier and more conscientious food choices. I will most likely start this diet after I finish the meat I have already purchased because I don't want to be wasteful. On that note, I must find a way to use a fourth of a tub of vanilla yogurt before it goes bad...if you have a suggestion let me know, but before October 1st. Yes, tomorrow.

Love to you!!

September 24, 2011

The Comfort Weekend

Hello! ¡Hola! 你好

After I posted last week about becoming a weekend warrior of the kitchen, my roommate Katie and I decided to have tacos and tater-tots. T&T night is sort of a tradition in this apartment stemming back to freshmen year (so last year) when the dining room would always serve tacos with tater-tots. It may seem like that would be the strangest combination in the world, but trust me, it really works. Just ask Taco John's.

Because of my insanely busy schedule during the week, I was forced to eat canned soup, sandwiches (no complaints there...I just bought salami), frozen dinners, and left-overs. I tried making a taco with pita bread. It was not delicious. At all. Such a weird texture, but I was far too invested in eating to stop. One of my frozen meals was from P.F. Chang's and oh dear higher-power-that-be was it fantastic. I love P.F. Chang's. It even required me to use the stove. Yea, hardcore.

The best part of the week just has to be the part we are in right now, the weekend. Why? Because it is the weekend, duh. AND my mom is visiting me at school!!!

I have to say that I have the best mom in the world. Sorry other moms, there is no contest. When I was helping unload her stuff, there were bags and bags of ingredients and a plant. Gerber daisies to be exact (my second favorite flower...they transport better than sunflowers). Let the cooking adventures begin!!

Well Friday night we went out. Hey, I'm in Duluth, there are so many delicious restaurants and both of us were exhausted. Little Angies here we come! Or there we went. Nothing makes a stomach happy like Tex-Mex.

For today, the theme of the meal was comfort. Which works so well with Mom here! We prepared creamy chicken wild-rice soup, rolls, and apple pie. When ever I have creamy chicken wild-rice soup it makes me feel warm and loved. It has to be one of my favorite meals that Mom makes.

Every bite is like a tummy hug wrapped in a warm blanket. Yea, that magical. Combine it with garlic butter rolls (store-bought but oh, so wonderful) and it's a party of teddy bears dancing on your tongue to "Here Comes the Sun." Splendid.

Did I mention we had pie? Actually, as I type this we're waiting for the pie to cool and I'm supposed to be reading for marketing. I love pie. It reminds me of a sandwich. It's a stretch, but hey there is two outer-carb layers and filling. Ergo, sandwich.

For this pie I was Queen of Apples. I also cut my finger. My roommate sells those super sharp knifes for that company that everyone knows of (I can't remember the name) and boy, are they sharp!

So after repairing my injury and washing my hands I got back to being Queen of the Apples. Mom bought two different types of apples, Granny Smith and Honey Crisps, because a lady at the grocery store suggested to. We put in extra cinnamon because that's what my grandpa does and he makes absolutely delicious apple pies. I can't tell you if our pie compares yet for I haven't tasted it yet. It is just sitting there. Taunting me. I want pie.

Because this post is so darn long (apologies) I'm not going to include recipes, but there will be some eventually! So stay tuned.


September 17, 2011

Empty Cupboards and Humus Sandwiches

As you can clearly see, my cooking experiments haven't been taking off like I had expected. It may be because I have not nearly the ingredients that I would like/can afford, that my schedule is crazy busy as of right now, or that every time we use the stove the smoke alarms go off.

This is the new, delicious plan. I am going to make myself a weekend-warrior chef!! (Dons war paint and flowery apron)

Starting this weekend (after I go grocery shopping and buy some food that isn't canned soup) the food shall be fantastic for two days. After a week of eight am classes and endless meetings, a weekend feast is a perfect way to unwind.

But you may be wondering, what did you make in the previous days while your blog sat empty and sad? The answer to that, noodles and soup. Oh and sandwiches of course. I think I've eaten seven turkey, cheese, and humus sandwiches.

Also, granola and yogurt is the best snack ever. Here's my fool-proof recipe:
-granola (1/2 cup to whatever you want, you're the hungry one here)
-yogurt (1/2 cup or seriously, if you like yogurt, put in more yogurt! It's going to be amazing anyway)

1. In a bowl (that you can eat out of) mix granola and yogurt.
2. Eat.

Hooray for tasty snacks! And hooray for you.

September 5, 2011

You Scream for Ice Cream, I Cry Out for a Sandwich.

Now the week of free food has ended and the real fun is beginning.

I went on my first successful grocery shopping trip yesterday and returned with delectable foodstuff and only minor emotional damage. Being in a new grocery store, I had absolutely no idea where anything was located. Scratch that, I knew where the cheese was kept. Mostly because cheese is a staple item. Since I am currently the only resident out of four roommates in the apartment, basic items that were necessary for survival this weekend were purchased. I was going to be cooking for one and I needed substance. Therefore, it was sandwich time.

Every time should be sandwich time.

I have a mild love affair with sandwiches. Nothing too big, except for they are the greatest invention of all time. Liz Lemon practically summed up my life when she said, "I believe that all anyone wants in life is to sit in peace and eat a sandwich." When sexist persons yell out, "Woman! Make me a sammich!!" I do. Then I sit there and I eat the "sammich" in front of them because I don't take to kindly to sexism. And I love sammiches.

All I wanted today was a sandwich, which was perfect because all I really had for food was sandwich making materials. After an epic battle with the toaster oven (which it won...twice) I just decided to eat the burnt bagel and make the most out of this sandwich. Even the worst sandwich is better than none. It was so simple, just cheese, turkey, and zesty italian dressing. Delicious.

I'm on a quest for the perfect sandwich. I think I came close once, but the bread was just a bit over toasted. The satisfaction that comes from taking the perfect bite, where every ingredient is present and accounted for, is mind blowing. Life would be so much better if everyone had a sandwich.

Now that the school year is officially starting on Tuesday, I'll be doing some serious cooking. The roommates will be present, I'll be in need of delicious food, and nothing makes you feel better than a nice home-cooked meal. Except for free tuition or a text book that doesn't cost over $100. So, please grab a cup of coffee, sit back, relax, and attempt to wrap your mind around the concept of me cooking.