August 17, 2012

Themed Thursday:

Today's Themed Thursday is sponsored by the number twelve. Why twelve, you may ask. Well, I'll tell you! It's 2012, you fools!

I was reading an article online titled "23 things I should be able to do at 23 (but can't)" which made Kelsey and I think to give this whole "list thing" a try.

So, here's my twelve things about 2012:

1. I've grown up. A lot.
I think it could be paying rent, working 40 hours a week this summer, or having to make appointments for things like shots, that really forced me to grow up. For the past seven years, I've felt like a thirteen-year-old. It's as if I was stuck in that stage for a really long time. But, now I have the confidence to problem solve, get sh*t done, and pretend to function as an adult in society.

2. Packing and unpacking is a constant part of my life.
I hate it. But, I do love the fun I have in between packing and unpacking.

3. Meat is gross.
Vegetarianism is awesome and after I'm done traveling(because it is usually insensitive to say no to offered food) I will be going back. I may even try being vegan. But, it probably won't happen because I love cheese.

4. Having a house off-campus rocks.

5. It's okay to say goodbye and move on.

6. People change. You change. I change.
Accept this, accept the change, and keep going.

7. Sometimes it's a good idea to just call Kelsey.
Things happen that only my mind-twin can help me figure out.

8. The best nights usually include a deck, cookies, and/or Harry Potter.

9. If one thing is going to break, three other things will break at the same time.
Cell phone battery, laptop battery, car, backpack, and shoe all at once.

10. Dance parties rock.

11. More time needs to be dedicated to adventure and fun.

12. My blog did pretty well, but I'm switching over to this one Chelle Travels for my study abroad. It's pretty.

Okay, so those are my twelve. I'm sure Kelsey is going to have something to do with cheese or dancing. Or not. I don't know her life. I do know that I need to sleep more.

August 2, 2012

I'm awful, I know.

Yea, I have been slacking hard-core. I'm going to go ahead and crown Kelsey as the July Blogging Queen. I also just made up that title. Doesn't make it any less important.

Life is hot. As in humid, gross, must jump into Lake Superior fully clothed, hot.

Recently I sort of shifted positions in the Marketing Department and now am the resident "Get Sh*t Done-er" of the production studio. I love it. So much fun! Except, I don't have a key to the studio. That's a problem, especially since I currently should be in the studio scheduling interviews. Oh well, I'll sit in the school coffee shop and drink tea. That works, too.