June 7, 2012

Themed Thursday Triumph!

Alliterations are fun.

Kelsey and I are doing shared-themed days, so be sure to go to her blog to check out her cheeky response. Plus, she posted about me. Can you tell I'm blushing? Why, I do declare! (said in a Blanch Devereaux accent)

This week the theme is:
What is your ideal living room wall?

I love art. Also, I love having art and I couldn't live without being surrounded by explosions of color. So, in my living room (when I get settled in a more permanent situation) the wall will probably look like this:

I love the idea of an incredibly powerful wall color (and I mean, that white trim! Yum.) but it doesn't overwhelm with simple and beautiful prints, wall hangings, and art.

My favorite color is teal. It's so vibrant and yet, calm and beautiful. I love this color scheme that I found on Lovely Undergrad

Sigh--if only my landlord let us paint.

One of my life goals is to befriend as many artists as possible. That way, I can have fantastic art all over my walls. Right now, I'm set on getting a Flo Doodle. She's incredible and you should check her out HERE!!!

I also really would love a print of my favorite state. If you didn't know (plus, shame on you! I wrote about this already!) I'm a Minnesotan girl. My wall will definitely have some home-state love on it.

Well, now we wait in bated anticipation for a) me to actually have a wall I can do this too b) Kelsey's response and c) for me to find a decent cup of coffee in this joint.

**images were taken from Pinterest**

1 comment:

  1. Love. Love. Love. I would love a wall like that too!!!!! ahhhh... i think this is why we are friends. just guessing:)
