June 3, 2012

Sleepy sleepy

All day I've had a wicked headache. Nothing has worked (medicine, caffeine, water, chocolate!) and wearing a headset for the play tonight caused a bit of displeasure on this end. I couldn't get those good-for-nothin' actors to whisper their lines either. Jerks. Overall, it was a fantastic show tonight (besides the dull throbbing going on in my brain.) I'll post some pics I took on instagram (I'm a super cool fake-photographer now!) when it's not 2am and I have the energy to find my phone.

I went to bed at 11pm and woke up at 1:30am. Yea, not the recommended eight hours I was expecting. So now I'm browsing the blogs I always read and wasting my time on Pinterest. I love Pinterest. Kelsey did a shout-out to stumble upon, but she's wrong. Pinterest is, and will always be, the best way to waste hours of time. So now I'm finding awesome DIY projects, recipes, and clothing I can't afford. If you'd like, you can follow me on Pinterest! Click the button on the right-side of my blog! It's that simple. I'm an awesome pinner, so you'll regret nothing.


  1. I often overlap by stumbling with my pinning. Pin the stumbles! So after you stumble on something, you pin it to yourself so that you can carry it around all the time.....
    I don't know what I'm saying anymore.

  2. I never know what I'm saying. Especially at 2am.
