May 27, 2012

A friend knows you, and still loves you just the same.

I have been blessed with so many beautiful people in my life. There are six fantastic women who, if they were not in my life from second grade to now, I would probably be that odd kid who collects various belly button lints to make murals with whilst muttering to myself. Yea, they are that important to me.

After high school I had no idea how we would all stay close, but thanks to the internet and visits home I still feel connected to these lovely ladies. Changes happen, but we still love and accept each other for our uniquely wonderful selves.

Yesterday night a few of us spent some time indulging on junk food, catching up on life during the school year, talking about the future, and laughing. There's always so much laughing.
Do you want to know why I know these girls will be my friends to the end? Well, I'll tell ya.

But first, a quick side note (that is relevant, trust me.) I have a condition called retained femoral anteversion in my right hip. It means I don't walk in the "normal" sense seeing as my hips don't fully rotate. Yea, it's strange, I'm strange, whatever. I'm just a bit pokey when it comes to running and walking.

Back to the story...
We were creating a strategy in case of a zombie-Apocalypse and, because of my hip, I offered myself as a sacrifice. In my mind, they have a chance for a long, fulfilling life if I slow down the hoards of brain-munching un-dead. Instead of readily agreeing to my plan, another was formulated which involves placing conveniently located motor scooters for me to ride and/or riding upon the back of our dear friend, Emmy. (Oh, Emmy if you are reading this post, yea we decided this...without you...sorry)

I love these ladies and it's going to be strange not living in the same city. But, that just means we must have traveling adventures instead!

Yes, we are all dressed up for the final Harry Potter movie premier.

1 comment:

  1. When did the belly button lint mural stop? You were so far last time I saw it.
