May 26, 2012

It's about dancing in the rain.

For the past few days it was down-pouring in Duluth. The bright side in this cloudy situation was I wore my trench coat and looked like a detective, which is always a good thing. Always. Then as I traveled south for a home visit, the rain followed me. It's a good thing I love rainy days. Weather like this is sort of a free-pass to play chill music, wear comfy clothing, grab a cup of coffee, and just be lazy. Check, check, check, and check.

Currently I'm listening to this playlist from

I want to marry these guys (and their voices) from LittleLionWoman on 8tracks.

Feel free to stay a while on my page and listen! I don't mind, really.

Mom made me a delicious iced coffee, which thankfully has a straw in the glass allowing me to type and drink at the same time. Impressed? I would be. Her iced coffees always turn out better than the ones I try to make. According to Mom, I do everything right, yet I have a feeling she adds a secret ingredient, like blood of a unicorn, to make it so delicious (and give powers of immortality!)

Here are the incredibly easy steps to Mom's perfect iced coffees:

1. Brew a large pot of strong coffee. (We prefer the caramel-flavored stuff, but only for iced coffee. I think flavored coffee is disgusting when it's warm)
2. Allow said coffee to cool to room temperature.
3. Pour coffee over a glass filled with ice. (This ice is going to melt, so you will want a lot of it. First, it waters down the extra-strong coffee, and second, it makes the iced part of the iced coffee.)
4. Add a shot of flavored syrup (I suggest caramel if you decided to go with the caramel coffee), some flavored (or not) creamer (again, caramel is delicious), and unicorn blood (just kidding...not really)
5. Stir, sip, and enjoy

So my mom says it's not unicorn blood, but mother's love. Sure...

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