June 10, 2012

From Real Family to Royal Family...

So much wonderful was packed into this day! I'm sure you're dying for an account! Well, I'm happy to oblige.

It started with a wonderful brunch at Pizza Luce with my roommate Courtney and my lovely parents! Yes, they drove two and a half hours north to support and not see me in The Royal Family. We had a lovely walk to the Lake afterwards. It was a bit cool and getting warmer, so the temperature was ideal (in my mind...) I love seeing my mom and dad. If Samantha would've shown up, the day might have been even more complete.

Next it was time for the show. It was lovely, though everything that could have gone wrong for me DID go wrong. I did a lot of quick thinking and running around pounding on doors. We ended the run with a wonderful celebration at a local bar. I hope you, dear reader, have theater friends. If you don't, head down to the nearest audition, do a jazz-square, and make friends with some dramatic people. Your life will improve greatly. Never will there be a lull in the conversation or a moment where an odd facial-expression is inappropriate. Never. Speech kids will do as well. These are the people who are not afraid to be loud, make awkward eye-contact (or magical) across the room, and will always have a fantastic one-liner.

When I arrived home, Courtney and I decided to watch a movie. This required popcorn. TO THE STORE! So, we purchased the popcorn and headed back to my car in the muggy, stuffy air Duluth decided to produce. The only solution to combating this problem was to jump in Lake Superior. Which we did. It was so f@*!ing cold! But refreshing at the same time. I did slip on a rock and cut my knee pretty badly. I'm surprised my parents didn't name me Grace, because that's clearly a better fit for me.

The rest of the night included Casablanca, cookies, and couch time. It has been a most wonderful day.

1 comment:

  1. This is all very true. Especially the part about the eye contact. Happens daily around these sorts of characters.
