In, well now 2 days seeing as it is 2:15am I shall begin a culinary adventure all my own. That's right, I'm spreading my wings and learning to season or boil things. No longer will I be hiding behind the apron strings of my mother or chef coats of my father. Now don't get me wrong, I am a master chef of the essentials (mac&cheese, toast, pizza, cookies, and cereal) but there is a reason that grilled cheese is my favorite meal to prepare. But the time has come. I shall be a domestic goddess or perish.
I love everything about food. Just not preparing it. Or cleaning up after the meal is done. Okay, I love to eat. Growing up with a chef dad and my awesome mom (who bakes like there is no tomorrow) I never found it necessary to dabble in cooking, it was always done for me. Everyone always says, "Oh I bet the food at your house is just swell!! You should invite me over sometime!" Uh, one, yes the food is always delicious (minus that mushroom veggie thing we once had, ew) and two, no sir I just met you at the grocery store and I think you smell like an un-cooked potato. So I sluffed off cooking for 19 years because I thought, hey not a necessary skill at this moment. That mentality has really come back to bite me in the ass. Big time.
You may be thinking, "Michelle, why don't you just buy yourself a meal plan! Wouldn't that prolong your whole "not cooking" phase?" And to that I say, meal plan is not an option. Though a free meal on taco and tator-tot day would be fantastic.
Alas, this blog will be about my attempts at preparing delicious meals for myself and my roommates (if they dare eat what I prepare) and perhaps interesting food-related things I find on the interweb or in magazines and books. I know a food blog isn't as original as sliced bread (see I'm already doing food humor!! Jokes like that are like oranges...rather a-peal-ing!) but being a food writer is a dream of mine (because HELLO free food for reviews!!) and why not start now! Or, in two days.
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